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Découvrez Body Ready Method

The Body Ready Method® is an evidence-based approach to prenatal preparation and birth support and postnatal recovery, making a difference in the approach to prenatal care and birth support. This comprehensive method prioritizes the mobility, alignement and body awareness in the areas which are key pillars in supporting the optimal balance of your pregnant body: the upper body, the core, the pelvis and the pelvic floor. Body Ready Method® operates under the belief that all aspects of the body are interconnected, and recognizes the importance of addressing not only the pelvis but also the upper body, pelvic floor, core, and movement patterns. 


Incorporating purposeful movements designed to enhance responsiveness, strength, and optimal functionality of these areas during pregnancy yields a plethora of benefits 


  • Facilitate a more efficient birth process 

  • Contribute to alleviate common pregnancy discomforts

  • Optimize postpartum recovery

  • Reduce the risk of abdominal separation (diastasis recti) and pelvic floor dysfunction


Embrace Body Ready Method to work smarter, not harder throughout your pregnancy journey. â€‹â€‹


>> The course is accessible from 12 weeks of pregnancy.


>> No experience is required. Come as you are :)


>> The classes are held in cycles of 8 sessions. It is possible to join a cycle in progress (if space is available).


>> In order to provide the most suitable prenatal yoga for each participant, classes are limited to 5 participants.


>> To enroll in a cycle, please contact me via email at or via WhatsApp at 076.463.05.13


>> Classes can be paid for via Twint, in cash, or by card before the start of the first session.


>> Some supplemental insurances may cover part of my classes. I recommend contacting them to inquire about coverage.


>> Plenty of free parking spaces are available all around the cabinet.



>> Physical Preparation: Prenatal yoga helps restore your natural biomechanics during pregnancy through specific postures and movements. Essential muscles supporting your pregnancy are strengthened, thus preventing common pregnancy discomforts and preparing your body for childbirth. You learn to move safely, create space for your baby (thus promoting optimal positioning), and preserve and tone your abdominal muscles and pelvic floor.


>> Reconnection with Self: Prenatal yoga offers you the opportunity to reconnect and find yourself. Through conscious breathing exercises and meditation practices, you learn to listen to your body's signals, cultivate a deep awareness of your physical and emotional sensations, and develop and strengthen your instincts to reveal your body's intuitive wisdom.


>> Balance and Energy: By regularly practicing prenatal yoga, you can help balance your hormones, improve blood circulation, and stimulate your lymphatic system. This helps alleviate symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, and mood swings, making you feel more energetic, centered, and better prepared to face the physical and emotional challenges of pregnancy and childbirth.


>> Strengthening the Mother-Baby Bond: Every posture, every breath is an opportunity to strengthen the precious bond between you and your baby, helping you experience your pregnancy mindfully and connect with your baby.


>> Emotional Management: You learn to manage your emotions through breath control and mentally prepare for childbirth.


>> Relaxation: You enjoy a moment for yourself, to unwind, relax, and take care of yourself, your pregnancy, and your baby.

BRM Assessment

150 CHF - 1h30

At my practice


Additional session

110 CHF - 1h00

At my practice during pregnancy and at your home after birth 

Labor start

125 CHF - 1h15 approx.

At my practice. Please call me or send me a Whatsapp message of urgent appointments

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