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Breech & Transverse protocol


The postpartum period is a delicate time when it is so important to nurture and rejuvenate yourself. The body has made such a magical and intense effort to give birth to your baby, and it continues to do so if you are breastfeeding. The life of a young mother can be intense and hectic, the short nights, social pressure and the very beginnings of motherhood  can be destabilizing. It is essential to live this period with equanimity and peace of mind, it is essential to nurture yourself, even a little bit. If Mom is fine, baby is fine too :) Don't forget yourself, and indulge in a little be of self-care. A few minutes in full consciousness will be regenerating to your body and your mind. Ayurveda and Yoga are wonderful to support you in your self-care journey, with a short (but easy to adopt) ayurvedic routine, a calming and restorative yoga sequence, a nourishing diet, a rejuvenative massage, etc ... 

Postnatal Ayurveda will promote your optimal recovery, avoid complications after childbirth, restore your health to pre-pregnancy levels, promote breastfeeding, prevent postnatal depression, restaure your digestive system and regenerate your body after childbirth.

1h30 approx ​ │ 140 CHF

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